small update

this is a small update, i still didnt figured out the gtron chasing player thing yet but uhh yea

anyways uhh what this updates changes or fix:

changed the title screen which is no longer gtron's sprite but stretch and a text in 1 white thing, its a texture now!

now the ui fits the screen of the window

made it so you cant collect the peter paper by going trough the colider twice

fixed the jumpscare time that can crash your game

changed the splash screen to be my game logo that i made years ago!! :3

(im too silly for that ":3" lmfao)

anyways uhh thats it, also if you want to make the game better or fix stuff uhh you can by downloading the source!


gtron small 27 MB
Jun 14, 2024 2.1 MB
Jun 14, 2024

Get gtron bas ix

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